Change Leadership and Education Innovation;
P-12 Education Leadership;
Leadership and Teacher Preparation;
Education Policy;
Communities of Practice;
Online and Blended Learning
Digital Leadership
Game-Based Learning
Systems Thinking
Design Thinking
Gibson, D., & Azukas, M.E. (In Development) Simulated personal interactions in digital gameplay.
Azukas, M.E., & Holben, D.M. (In Development ). I’ve got this under control: Using simulations to develop pre-service teachers’ internal locus of control.
Azukas, M.E., & Tamim, S. (Eds.) (Under Contract). Transformative inquiry: Integrating action research and systems thinking, Contemporary Perspectives through Action Research Across Educational Disciplines. Information Age Publishing.
Azukas, M.E. (Accepted). Catalysts for change: The integration of soft systems thinking and action research in a large-scale educational transformation.
Azukas, M.E. & Francois, M. (In Press). Reimagining Higher Education Post Pandemic: A Mobile Robotic Telepresence Case Study in the United States. 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24) Universitat Polit` ecnica de Val`encia, Val`encia, 2024 DOI:
Azukas, M.E. & Gibson, D.M. (In Press) Teacher talk: Teacher Talk: simSchool Implementation in Teacher Education. Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education, Special 35 for 35 Emerging Scholars Edition.
Azukas, M.E. & Kim, M. (Eds.) (2023) Reimagining systems thinking in a post-pandemic world. IGI Global.
Azukas, M.E. (2022) Leading Remotely: The Competencies required for Virtual School Leadership. Tech Trends 66, 327-337.
Azukas, M.E., & Kluk, J. (2022) Simulated teaching: An exploration of virtual classroom simulation for pre-service teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In V. Dennin, C. Dickson-Deane, X. Ge, D. Ifenthaler, S. Murthy, J. C. Richardson (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations, Springer.
Azukas, M.E. (2022) Implementing a personalized learning initiative in a large urban school district. In A. Bond, B. Rajan Sockman, S. J. Blevins, & S. Tamim (Eds). Using Systems Thinking to Foster Continuous Improvement and Manage Change Efforts: Case Studies for the Everyday Practitioner, Routledge.
Azukas, M.E. (2021) One district delves into design thinking: Challenges, successes, and implications for future practice. In K.L. Sanzo, & J.P. Scribner (Eds.) Design Thinking: Research, Innovation, and Implementation. Information Age Publishing.
Azukas, M. E., & Barbour, M. K. (2021). In-service teachers’ perceptions of K-12 online learning: An action research project of a graduate course. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 11(4), 62-72.
Azukas, M.E. (2020). Teaching in the time of COVID. Journal of Applied Professional Studies, 2, 1-11.
Azukas, M.E. & Gaudelli, W. (2020). Formative design as a framework for implementing teacher professional development in design thinking. Journal of Formative Design in Learning, 4(1), 22-33.
Azukas, M.E. (2019). Cultivating blended communities of practice to promote personalized learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 5(3), 249-283.
Azukas, M.E. (2021). The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and Virtual School Leadership Competencies: Do They Align? American Education Research Association Conference Proceedings: 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual).
Azukas, M.E. (2020) Principal Perceptions of Personal Learning. American Education Research Association: Conference Proceedings: 2020 Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Azukas, M.E. (2019). Cultivating communities of practice to promote personal Learning. Paper presented at the International Society for Technology in Education, Philadelphia, PA. Published in Conference Proceedings.
Azukas, M.E. (2018). Personal learning: A community perspective. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. Published in Conference Proceedings.
Azukas, M.E. (2005). The virtual observation: Assessing online instructors. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, The University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Azukas, M.E. (2005). Effective Instructional leadership in online schools. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Distance Learning, Vancouver, BC.
Recipient and Grant PI: Driving Dynamic Education: Grant Proposal to Fund the Purchase of a Data List to Facilitate a Comprehensive Superintendent Survey. $950, Spring 2024
Recipient and Grant PI: Cultivating Cutting-Edge Educational Leaders: Growing the Digital Leadership Program, $1,507, Spring 2024
Recipient and Grant PI: Simulations for Principal Preparation (SiPPs). $99, 679.00 Prep2Practice Federal Grant Administered through the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Spring 2023.
Recipient and Grant PI: The Future of Learning: Emerging Technologies and Systemic Changes. $1,000, Spring 2023.
Recipient and Grant PI: Beam Me in Scotty: Robotic Telepresence in Higher Education. $1,500, Spring 2023.
Recipient and Grant PI: Robotic Telepresence: Just Like Bring There. $2,500. East Stroudsburg University Out of the Box Grant, Fall 2022.
Recipient and Grant PI: Teaching with Simulations: What are the Students Learning and Experiencing? $2,000. East Stroudsburg University Summer Graduate Research Experience, Summer 2022.
Recipient and Grant PI: Developing the Virtual Leadership Program: Paving the Path for PSED and ESU to be Cutting Edge in the Higher Education Market. $9,984.00. East Stroudsburg University Faculty Development Research Grow It Grant, Spring 2022.
Recipient and Grant PI: Action Research and a Soft Systems Approach to Organizational Change: The Implementation of an Online and Blended Learning Initiative in a Large Urban School District. $1,000. East Stroudsburg University Faculty Development Research Finish It Grant, Fall 2021.
Recipient and Grant PI: Innovative Solutions for Pandemic Problems: Exploring Simulations as Field Experience During Lockdown. $1000. East Stroudsburg University Faculty Development Research Finish It Grant, Fall 2021.
Recipient and Grant PI: simSchool for Pre-service Teachers: A Safe Space to Develop Pedagogical Practice. ESU Foundation Grant, $1,000. Fall 2021.
Recipient and Grant PI: Personal Learning: Are States Making it a Priority? $1,200. Faculty Development Research Mini-Grant Award, East Stroudsburg University, Spring 2019.
Grant Writer: Multi-Tiered System of Supports – Early Literacy Grant, State of New Jersey and Rutgers University, Spring 2018, $6,000 and PD Services and Support: Partnership to develop a multi-tiered system of supports for early literacy in two K-2 schools.
Grant Writer and Principal Investigator: Flexible Seating Grant, Cranford Fund for Educational Excellence, Spring 2017, $12,000: To implement flexible seating to support the personal learning initiative across the district.
Grant Writer and Principal Investigator: Maker Space Grant, Cranford Fund for Educational Excellence, $3,000: To purchase materials and equipment to support the development of a high school maker space.
Grant Director/Principal Investigator: Race to the Top Grant (Curriculum), U.S. Department of Education, New York City Department of Education, 2010-2012, $26,000,000: To purchase curriculum and professional development to support the iLearnNYC blended learning initiative.